There are few things more frustrating that trying to learn something that you think will benefit your patients and battling with paywalls. I hope this site will provide clinicians and future clinicians with access to high quality information with which to improve the care they provide their patients with.
Unfortunately, running a website costs money! These costs include but are not limited to: URLs, SSL certification, email providers, server cost, data storage and media licences. These are the main costs at the time of writing.
I have tried my best to keep the costs to an absolute minimum. I am relying on services which are provided free but themselves have costs. As the website expands so to do the costs and at some point performance will suffer. Lots of websites are kept financially viable by revenue they get from advertising. I really don't want to have to introduce advertising to the site as I think this would be to the detriment of user experience and therefore education.
If you find it useful, please consider contributing financially to the upkeep of the site. This allows me not only to pay for the direct costs above, but also to support dependencies of the site such the Django Software Foundation.
If in the future the site starts to develop enough money, I would also love to be able to go part time for a period to allow me to develop the site more effectively (hundreds of hours of work have gone in so far), but this seems like a pipe dream at the moment!
You can support us financially via PayPal using the button below: